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Chokolate Forms - Barcelona

Professional moulds for chocolate


Chokolate Forms - Barcelona

Professional moulds for chocolate

Reusable thermoformed PET molds for making miniature Barcelona flower-shaped chocolate tiles created by 100%MAKEAT.

Each piece measures 4 x 4 cm and a capacity of 8.6 ml. This mold allows producing 12 pieces, usable as decoration or to offer a small tasting accompanying another type of preparation.

Use it also to prepare bean-to-bar or taste-to-bar style tasting bars using the Twin Stones tabletop chocolate melanger - refiner to produce your own flavored chocolate.

Your chocolates have never had such a brilliant finish and such a high level of definition.

Working with chocolate has never been so easy, fast, economical, and affordable: with just a few steps and a few quality tools you will achieve amazing results.

Chokolate Forms molds are also available in the version for diamond-shaped chocolates, miniature chocolate bars, and chocolate bars made of bubbles.

Capacity of each slot: 8.6 ml

Total capacity: 103.2 ml

Maximum working temperature 60°C

Freezer and blast chiller resistant, dishwasher safe.

Material: High definition and polished thermoformed PET

Mould dimensions: 25 x 20 cm - Thickness 1 mm

No documents for download

Units per box: 1
Material: PET
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